The following color table gives the color name and the 24-bit hexa-decimal code for the color of each square they are in. To use these colors in an HTML document just double click the name or hex code with the mouse and copy it to the clipboard. Use a web page editor (or notepad) that allows pasting of code into the page.

Attribute for Background Color, Font Color, and Table Colors.
Color Syntax:   Color="#RRGGBB"
                Or:   Color="ColorName"

q° = The phase angle of a 360° color circle.

Luma = Relative Brightness   ( Red = 30% , Green = 59% , Blue = 11% )

NetScape/Mozilla Default Color Set
q° Luma Name Code Hex Code q° Luma Name Code Hex Code
0 100 White FFFFFF 160 87 Wheat F5DEB3
0 96 WhiteSmoke F5F5F5 160 66 Orange FFA500
0 91 Lavender E6E6FA 164 63 Goldenrod DAA520
0 83 LightGray ? D3D3D3 164 53 DarkGoldenrod B98B1B
0 63 DarkGray A0A0A0 172 77 Gold FFD700
0 50 Gray 7F7F7F 175 86 Khaki F0E68C
0 41 DimGray 696969 176 68 DarkKhaki BDB76B
0 15 MidNightBlue 191970 177 45 Olive 7F7F00
0 14 Blue 0000FF 180 95 LightYellow F7F7DA
0 7 DarkBlue 00007F 180 95 Beige F5F5DC
0 4 Navy 000080 180 86 Yellow FFFF00
7 54 LightSlateBlue ? 8470FF 180 43 DarkYellow ? 7F7F00
7 44 SlateBlue 6A5ACD 199 66 YellowGreen 9ACD32
7 30 DarkSlateBlue 483D8B 201 36 DarkOliveGreen 556B2F
8 51 MediumSlateBlue 7B68EE 203 79 GreenYellow ADFF2F
31 38 BlueViolet 8A2BE2 210 71 Chartreuse 7FFF00
31 19 Indigo 4A0082 211 70 LawnGreen 7CFC00
49 52 MediumOrchid BA55D3 240 97 Honeydew F0FFF0
60 73 Plum DDA0DD 240 82 LightGreen 98FB98
60 69 Violet EE82EE 240 82 PaleGreen 98FB98
60 43 Magenta FF00FF 240 66 DarkSeaGreen 8FBC8F
60 21 Purple 7F007F 240 54 LimeGreen 32CD32
81 39 VioletRed ? D02090 240 37 ForestGreen 228B22
82 34 MediumVioletRed C71585 240 28 Green 007F00
83 96 Linen FAF0E6 240 22 DarkGreen 006400
87 41 DeepPink FF1493 266 53 MediumSeaGreen 3CB371
90 62 HotPink FF69B4 266 41 SeaGreen 2E8B57
101 58 PaleVioletRed DB7093 270 99 MintCream F5FFFA
106 16 Maroon 7F001F 280 67 MediumAquamarine 66CDAA
112 80 LightPink FFB6C1 281 83 Aquamarine 7FFFD4
120 63 LightCoral F08080 295 69 Turquoise 40E0D0
120 61 RosyBrown BC8F8F 297 53 LightSeaGreen 20B2AA
120 30 Brown A52A2A 300 98 Azure F0FFFF
120 29 Red FF0000 300 97 LightCyan E0FFFF
120 29 FireBrick B22222 300 86 PaleTurquoise AFEEEE
120 14 DarkRed 8F0000 300 85 Cyan 00FFFF
125 63 Salmon FA8072 300 36 DarkCyan 007F7F
128 55 Tomato FF6347 300 27 DarkSlateGray 2F4F4F
134 67 DarkSalmon E9967A 301 58 DarkTurquoise 00CED1
135 62 Coral FF7F50 302 55 CadetBlue 5F9EA0
144 97 SeaShell FFF5EE 314 81 LightBlue ADD8E6
145 49 Chocolate D2691E 314 57 DeepSkyBlue 00BFFF
145 32 SaddleBrown 8B4513 330 77 GhostWhite F8F8FF
147 69 SandyBrown F4A460 330 52 LightSlateGray 778899
154 74 Burlywood DEB887 330 50 DodgerBlue 1E90FF
154 70 Tan D2B48C 330 49 SlateGray ? 708090
155 93 AntiqueWhite FAEBD7 330 43 SpringGreen 00FF7F
159 90 Moccasin FFE4B5 339 58 CornflowerBlue 6495ED
160 95 OldLace FDF5E6 0 0 Black 000000

More Colors

Artic Blue White D4E6F8
Brass B0A000
IndianRed D05F5F
OrangeRed FF4900
SkyBlue 87CEEA
Silver C0C0C0
Sienna A0502D

These Color Tables were created by    J. S. Gilstrap
Using an HTML Macro for the    TSE Jr 4   Text Editor.
Copyright ©2000 ©2018 J. S. Gilstrap All Rights Reserved.